Product Overview
The Roche Combur-10 Test Strips give results for a wide range of parameters (see below) and provide a standalone visual reading.
The Combur-10 Urine Test Strips 10 parameters are also available in a different format, suitable for automatic reading with the Urisys 1100 Urine Analyser. This format is Combur-10UX Test®. When used with the Roche Combur Urisys 1100 Analyser, visual evaluation errors are eliminated and results are standardised, resulting in a reduction of potential transcription errors and more appropriate prescribing.
Parameters for the Combur-10 Test include:
- Specific gravity: Clinical aspects > reduced concentrating ability of the kidneys e.g., due to diabetes mellitus or ADH deficiency.
- pH: Clinical aspects > urinary tract infections / acidosis, or ketoacidosis / starvation / diarrhoea
- Leucocytes: Clinical aspects > pyelonephritis / glomerulonephritis / cystitis / urethritis / bacterial infections
- Nitrate: Clinical aspects > urinary tract infections / cystitis / pyelonephritis
- Protein: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / fasting / vomiting / inborn errors of metabolism / ketoacidosis
- Glucose: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / renal or alimentary glycosuria / glycosuria in renal damage
- Ketones: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / fasting / vomiting / inborn errors of metabolism / ketoacidosis
- Urobilinogen: Clinical aspects > cirrhosis of the liver / viral hepatitis / haemolytic anaemia
- Bilirubin: Clinical aspects > cirrhosis of the liver / intra- and extrahepatic / obstructive jaundice / hepatocellular jaundice
- Blood: Clinical aspects > tumours of the bladder and kidneys / urinary stone formation / glomerulonephritis / pyelonephritis / renal infarction / renal cysts / gouty kidneys
The Urine Analysis Test Strips 10 parameters are also available in a different format, suitable for automatic reading with the Urisys 1100 Urine Analyser. This format is Combur-10UX Test®. When used with the Roche Combur Urisys 1100 Analyser visual evaluation errors are eliminated and results are standardised, resulting in a reduction of potential transcription errors and more appropriate prescribing.

Product Description
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