Roche Combur Test Strips 10UX
For rapid and accurate urine analysis results under standardised conditions.
For screening, treatment monitoring and testing of high-risk groups.
The Roche Combur-10UX Urine Test Strips are designed to be used with the Urisys 1100 Urine Analyser for an automatic and accurate reading.
Provides near instant, highly accurate and actionable result to facilitate more appropriate prescribing.
Product Overview
The Roche Combur-10UX Test Strips give results for a wide range of parameters (see below) and are suitable for reading with Urisys 1100 Urine Analyser.
When the Combur-10UX Test Strips are used with the Roche Combur Urisys 1100 Analyser, visual evaluation errors are eliminated and results are standardised, resulting in a reduction of potential transcription errors and more appropriate prescribing.
Parameters for the Combur-10UX Test include:
- Specific gravity: Clinical aspects > reduced concentrating ability of the kidneys e.g., due to diabetes mellitus or ADH deficiency.
- pH: Clinical aspects > urinary tract infections / acidosis, or ketoacidosis / starvation / diarrhoea
- Leucocytes: Clinical aspects > pyelonephritis / glomerulonephritis / cystitis / urethritis / bacterial infections
- Nitrate: Clinical aspects > urinary tract infections / cystitis / pyelonephritis
- Protein: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / fasting / vomiting / inborn errors of metabolism / ketoacidosis
- Glucose: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / renal or alimentary glycosuria / glycosuria in renal damage
- Ketones: Clinical aspects > diabetes mellitus / fasting / vomiting / inborn errors of metabolism / ketoacidosis
- Urobilinogen: Clinical aspects > cirrhosis of the liver / viral hepatitis / haemolytic anaemia
- Bilirubin: Clinical aspects > cirrhosis of the liver / intra- and extrahepatic / obstructive jaundice / hepatocellular jaundice
- Blood: Clinical aspects > tumours of the bladder and kidneys / urinary stone formation / glomerulonephritis / pyelonephritis / renal infarction / renal cysts / gouty kidneys<

Product Description
CE Marked
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