QuikRead go Instrument

Improving patient pathways and supporting antimicrobial stewardship.
Optimising workflow, enabling timely diagnosis and treatment management for improved patient flow.

Let’s talk about accuracy, speed and the breadth of tests you can perform right where your patient is, in one consultation: CRP, HbA1c, Strep A, iFOBT. All on one fully portable device – QuikRead go.

The QuikRead go instrument is the new generation point-of-care system, designed to support diagnosis and treatment management at various types of healthcare sites including community care. Its ease of use combines with rapid and reliable results to make the system a valuable tool for everyday use.

The QuikRead go instrument is a portable, compact, accurate and fully automatic system for the point-of-care, used for quantitative and qualitative measurements together with QuikRead go reagent kits.

The QuikRead go instrument supports evidence-based diagnosis and correct treatment decisions for improved overall healthcare, especially in primary care settings. The user-friendly technology is fully automatic, meaning accurate results can be given immediately to vulnerable patients no matter the setting. The minimal hands-on time required, intuitive user interface, and result traceability add confidence to the test results and these near-instant results help improve healthcare workflow.

The range of tests available on QuikRead go system are:

  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) The QuikRead go CRP is an easy-to-use and accurate point-of-care test, which gives quantitative CRP results in 2 minutes, from a small finger-prick blood sample. Accurate measurement of CRP can be critical in the clinical management of patients with symptoms of infection. The full breadth of CRP tests is:
    • easy CRP (CRP measuring range 1-200mg/l)
    • wrCRP+HB (wide CRP measuring range  0.5-200mg/l and haemoglobin 50-220 g/l)). A single analysis that provides both CRP and haemoglobin results


  • HbA1c – The QuikRead go HbA1c is a reliable and easy-to-use point-of-care test for the improved management of diabetes. The HbA1c test provides results in less than 6 minutes from a small finger prick blood sample (1 µl) or anticoagulated (EDTA or heparin) venous whole blood sample.


  • Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) – The QuikRead go iFOBT is an immunochemical FIT test for the detection and quantification of human haemoglobin in faeces, in case of suspected bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract. Because of the flexible test procedure, the QuikRead iFOBT is easy to fit into the daily routines of laboratories and in any point-of-care settings. Five (5) days sample stability in the sampling vial at 18-25°C allows convenient sampling at home and time to return the sample to the analysing site.


  • Strep A – The QuikRead go Strep A is a simple and rapid test for detecting Strep A (Streptococcus pyogenes), a causative agent of bacterial pharyngitis, in throat samples. The test result – positive or negative – is displayed on the instrument, thus eliminating the uncertainty and subjectivity associated with visual assessment of the test result.

Users of the QuikRead go instrument and tests can benefit from CPD accredited training on Una Health’s e-learning platform. Contact us for more details.

Reduces wait times; gives results in just 2 minutes
Enables secure recording and storage of data; seamless connectivity
Small sample size
Fully portable and minimal set up time
QuikRead go - Una Health

How the QuikRead go instrument works

The QuikRead go instrument is a photometer capable of producing quantitative or qualitative results. The instrument has been designed and calibrated for both photometric and turbidimetric measurement. The instrument guides the user through the assay procedure by showing a series of messages and animations on the display.

The QuikRead go instrument measures the absorbance of the cuvette and converts the absorbance value into a concentration value or positive/negative result on the basis of pre-set test calibration data encoded on each cuvette label.

How the QuikRead go instrument helps

The QuikRead go instrument is designed to support healthcare professionals to make faster decisions, improve patient flow and improve outcomes. The QuikRead go instrument provides quantitative or qualitative results for the following:

  • easy CRP
  • wrCRP
  • wrCRP+Hb
  • CRP
  • CRP+Hb
  • HbA1c
  • iFOBT
  • Strep A

The QuikRead go instrument is already used across the NHS to support improvements for a variety of different patient pathways; including care homes, community nursing teams and general practice. Utilising rapid diagnostics in these areas can support:

  • improved antimicrobial stewardship
  • more effective treatment
  • better allocation of resources
  • accessible patient care



How to use the QuikRead go instrument

The QuikRead go instrument is easy to run, the user-friendly touch screen, with simple menu navigation, can be used with minimal training:

Step 1

After collecting your sample choose ‘Measure’ on the main menu and follow the instructions on the display. Note: ensure the cuvette cap is fully inserted, with no thread showing and that the gap is facing towards the front. Do not depress the plunger.

Step 2

Drop a cuvette into the measurement well in the right position. The barcode of the cuvette must be facing towards you. Note: do not place a finger or any other object into the measurement well.

Step 3

The lid closes, and the instrument starts the measurement.

Step 4

After the test is completed, the result is shown on the display and the cuvette is automatically ejected. Choose ‘Result info’ to see additional information of the test.

Step 5

Remove the cuvette. The result disappears from the display. It can be displayed again by choosing ‘See previous result’.

Step 6

If you wish to make another measurement, insert a new cuvette into the measurement well. Choosing ‘Cancel’ takes you to the main menu.

Further reading:

Watch our webinar on Transforming Patient Care with Point-of-Care CRP Testing here.

NICE has developed a medtech innovation briefing (MIB) on the QuikRead go for C-reactive protein testing in primary care. Read the briefing here: https://www.nice.org.uk/advice/mib78

QuikRead go for C-reactive protein testing in primary care - NICE MIB


QuikRead go® CRP point-of-care test demonstrates the best agreement and lowest bias of 17 quantitative CRP tests evaluated in an analytical performance study by PLOS ONE journal – Full study available here: Analytical performance of 17 commercially available point-of-care tests for CRP to support patient management at lower levels of the health system | PLOS ONE

Most recent Case Studies on QuikRead go:

CRP Near-Patient Testing – A Game Changer In Primary Care SettingsCase Study on QuikRead go® CRP at Lisle Medical, a mobile private GP service in West Sussex

Case Study - CRP-Near-Patient-Testing-A-Game-Changer-in-Primary-Care-Settings

CRP on the QuikRead Go Helps Paramedics Diagnose and Prevent Acute Hospital Admissions – View here

Case Study - CRP on the QuikRead Go Helps Paramedics Diagnose and Prevent Acute Hospital Admissions

HbA1c Testing at a GP Surgery: A Case Study on Improving Patient Pathway and QOF Compliance – View here

HbA1c Testing at a GP Surgery: A Case Study on Improving Patient Pathway

QuikRead go® easy CRP: a perfect fit for the Hospital-at-Home model – View here

Case Study - QuikRead go® easy CRP: a perfect fit for the Hospital-at-Home model

CRP point of care testing in the assessment of lower respiratory tract infections in South Powys – View here

CRP testing for the point of care

HbA1c testing for the point of care

Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

Strep A Testing


QuikRead go Family Brochure
QuikRead go Technical Specifications
(NICE) Medtech Innovation Briefing - QuikRead go for C-reactive protein testing in primary care
QuikRead go CRP - Clinical evaluation of point-of-care testing for wide-range C-reactive protein (wr-CRP) in neonates with suspected sepsis
QuikRead go iFOBT - Diagnostic accuracy of point of care faecal immunochemical testing...
QuikRead go iFOBT - Assessment of the analytical performance of point-of-care faecal...